PodAlarm lets you use your favourite podcast, audiobook or music app as your daily alarm.
Choose the app you want to start playing, set the the alarm time, go to sleep..
It's that simple :)
At the alarm time your chosen app will start playing, gradually increasing the volume from 0 to your regular alarm volume to gently wake you from sleep..
*** If you have any questions or find any issues please do drop me an email before leaving a negative review, so I can provide you with proper support ***
*** Does NOT support Netflix ***
PodAlarm günlük alarm olarak favori podcast, sesli kitap veya müzik uygulamasını kullanmanızı sağlar.
oynamaya başlamak istediğiniz uygulamayı seçip, uyu, alarm saatini ayarlayın ..
Bu kadar basit :)
Alarm zamanda seçtiğiniz uygulama kademeli olarak yavaşça uykudan uyanmak sen normal alarm ses 0'dan hacmini arttırarak, çalmaya başlar ..
*** Herhangi bir sorunuz ya da olumsuz eleştiri ayrılmadan önce bana mail atın lütfen herhangi bir sorun tespit, bu yüzden doğru destek sağlayabilir ise ***
PodAlarm lets you use your favourite podcast, audiobook or music app as your daily alarm.
Choose the app you want to start playing, set the the alarm time, go to sleep..
It's that simple :)
At the alarm time your chosen app will start playing, gradually increasing the volume from 0 to your regular alarm volume to gently wake you from sleep..
*** If you have any questions or find any issues please do drop me an email before leaving a negative review, so I can provide you with proper support ***
*** Does NOT support Netflix ***